To acknowledge Bereaved Mother's Day (the first Sunday in May) and mothers who have lost their children, we want you to join our virtual walk/run. Walk, run, ride, just #moveformama!
This special day was created in 2010 to honour and celebrate the mothers who carry some, perhaps all, of their children in their hearts rather than their arms.
When: May 1st-May 8th, 2021. Complete your race at any point during this week.
Details: "DYOR"- do your own race! There is no need to sign up and there is no official race location. All you need to do is commit to move, choose your own distance, time and route and do some fundraising!
Fundraising Goal: $10/km and donations can be made HERE.
Note: we are a participating Charity for Shaw Birdies for Kids presented by AltaLink, so all donations made to Northernstar Mothers Milk Bank from now until August 15th, 2021 will be made through the Shaw Birdies for Kids donation portal and will be matched up to 50%.
Fundraising for ‘Move for Mama’ is for our ‘Community Care Fund’. These funds will provide much needed milk for babies in babies in need regardless of the family’s ability to pay. NorthernStar believes that human milk is the best option for any baby and that all babies have the right to the life-saving nutrients of pasteurized donor human milk.
Share: using #moveformama and @northernstarmilkbank on Social Media.
Contact us here for any questions.