We are pleased to announce that we have partnered with Cambrian Pharmacy in N.W. Calgary to become the first dispensary of donor human milk outside of the Milk Bank. What does this mean for babies in need? With Cambrian’s extended hours, it means better access to pasteurized donor human milk and with our new policy that does not require a prescription for the first 10 bottles, it means peace of mind for families. If mom is unexpectedly having issues with her supply or needs milk to supplement her baby until her supply is established, there is now a convenient choice on how families want to feed their baby.
Cambrian Pharmacy is also offering discounts on breast pump rentals for moms who are donors to the Milk Bank!

On April 1st we celebrated our 7th anniversary. Since opening NMMB in 2012, the introduction of pasteurized donor human milk (PDHM) as the standard of care in Neonatal Intensive Care Units has changed the way we care for sick and premature babies across Canada.
The use of PDHM has been a key factor in the decreasing rate of Necrotizing Enterocolitis (a deadly intestinal disease) in premature babies. In Calgary, that rate has fallen from 8% to less than 1% since 2012. Breastmilk is amazing.
Happy Birthday to NMMB and what a reason to celebrate!!

So inspiring! In April we took part in the 2019 Milk Matters - Milk Banking Symposium in Chicago, Il. We were one of 28 HMBANA (Human Milk Banking Association of North America) Milk Banks discussing recent research, sharing ideas and working together to increase access and equitable distribution of pasteurized donor human milk. It was such a pleasure to meet everyone and a big thank you to Mothers' Milk Bank of the Western Great Lakes for hosting!

We are very excited to share that we have started a monthly Breastfeeding Café at the milk bank! This is a supportive space, where moms can come enjoy a coffee, make connections with other parents in the community, and access breastfeeding resources including two IBCLC's (professional lactation consultants!). There will be discussions on a variety of breastfeeding topics, obstacles, tips and tricks as well as guest speakers. Our goal is to protect, promote and support breastfeeding by helping individuals meet their own personal breastfeeding goals.
Our next café is scheduled for Friday July 26th (9:15am-11:00am). Our guest speaker Trina, from Night Night Baby, will be discussing holistic sleep coaching for your baby. Please visit our website or follow us on social media to learn more.

We are once again proud to partner with the Shaw Charity Classic and the Birdies for Kids Program raising funds for our Charitable Care Program. The first $10,000.00 donated will be matched with an additional $5,000.00! Your donation goes even further!! All these funds will go directly to our Charitable Care Program which provides sick babies at home with much needed milk.
Donations will be accepted until September 1st, 2019. To donate, visit the link below and choose NorthernStar as your Charity of Choice.

BATCH #9000
In the month of May we pasteurized our 9000th batch of donor human milk. A tremendous milestone that is the result of the time, commitment and care our donors put into pumping and storing their milk.

In 2018 we screened 767 donors.
We feel lucky to have so many donor moms who care about what we do and want to help the sick and fragile babies we serve.
Thank you for helping us provide this essential service.