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Donor Profile: Olivia's Story

"I nursed my four babies for a collective 64 months. It wasn't possible to donate breast milk to a milk bank until my last baby born in 2005/2006. I had always been a straight from the tap mom, never pumped, but I knew this would be my last baby and I wanted to make a special memory.

I pumped once a day for 4 months and we donated just a smidge over the minimum amount. Knowing that milk got to a baby that really needed it made my heart glad.

My nursing days have long since been replaced with days filled with adventures and fort building. Knowing there's a baby or babies out there that are now big kids building forts with their families, in part because they got the nourishment they needed from our milk, makes those early memories of my last nursing days mean even more to me."

If you're a current or a past donor and you'd like to share your story, we'd love to hear it! You can submit it here.

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