Following an early birth and stay in the NICU, our donor mom Sydney was able to establish a great supply and generously donate to NorthernStar!

"Elmera was born early at 32 weeks of gestation. She needed donor milk at the beginning when she was in the NICU. I am so thankful that I was able to establish a milk supply as we had a little bit of a rough start. I was immediately separated from Elmera at birth because I had a cough. I got to visit her in the NICU and hold her for the first time 2 days later. She came much earlier than I was prepared for and I needed guidance to pump. I didn't get pumping supplies and the help until 8 hours after giving birth. I am so glad that none of this hindered my ability to produce milk for my daughter. We ended up with way more milk than we needed. It has been so awesome to share the extra milk to help other babies."
Have excess milk and would like to learn more about becoming a milk donor? Follow this link: