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Donor Profile: Katy's Story

From Katy's Mom:

"I did not even know that the donation of breastmilk was even possible until our youngest daughter, Katy, was born at 29 weeks gestation. Because of her early due date it took several days for my own milk to come in so Katy received donated breastmilk until then. Katy was in the NICU for 64 days. Pumping 8 times a day for 64 days produces a lot of milk, especially for a baby that was only consuming around 450 ml at the time she came home. Fortunately I was given donation information and was able to complete my application before Katy even left the hospital. This allowed me to make a donation of approximately 18L directly from our hospital collection. The pumping continued at home and I continued to donate, over 40L total. It was such a blessing to have this option available to Katy and it was wonderful to be able to give back!"

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