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Donor Profile: Kelsey & Felix

NorthernStar Milk Donor Kelsey has already shared over 18L - in just a few short months! She has graciously shared her milk, photo of little Felix, and her story:

"This is one of the greatest things I’ve ever done. The opportunity to become a milk bank donor has been deeply rewarding and humbling, and I am so proud of it.

Our journey started when Felix was in and out of the hospital for the first few weeks of his life with a relentless case of jaundice. I was feeling quite helpless after being readmitted into the hospital for a second time and just wanted to be at home snuggling my newborn baby.

Our breastfeeding journey came with its fair share of challenges with Felix struggling to latch properly, though he had no reason not too. I was feeling defeated and disappointed in an already stressful situation since we had been told numerous times to increase his feedings due to his jaundice.

While at the hospital during one of my pumping sessions (as we were instructed to triple feed until the jaundice subsided) one of Felix’s nurses mentioned the milk bank. This could give me something else to focus on, and to help other NICU babies since I was producing much more than Felix needed. I took her suggestion to heart, immediately researching how to become a donor. I wanted to help other moms and their precious babes anyway I could, as I knew the helpless feeling while your little one is in the hospital and there really isn’t much you can do but feed them and wait.

Motherhood has taught me that life may never go quite as planned and that’s okay. My donor journey has been incredibly rewarding and healing for me during these first few months postpartum. Felix and I are looking forward to how many more ounces we can donate in 2023."

Thank you Kelsey for your incredible milk donations, and for sharing your photo and story! We couldn't do the work we do without donors like you.

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